

For over 80 years, Triad has been an electronics innovator and a leader. Lewis W. Howard founded the company during the1940s in Venice, California. He was a graduate of UC Berkley, a cofounder of the Wescon Trade Show and was recognized as a life member of IEEE for his contributions to the industry. In the 1950s, Triad first helped Leo Fender and surf guitarist Dick Dale turn up the volume on amplifiers, which led to the birth of Rock & Roll. Triad was next the dominant supplier to the TV industry in the 1960s. Transformers from Triad also supported the Apollo mission to the Moon, and then the first microwave ovens in the 1970s. The Triad brand played a leading role in the rise of industrial automation and controls, electronic ballasts for lighting systems and innovative medical devices in the 1980-90s. Today, you’ll find Triad has emerged again as an innovative leader after a number of years as a successful division of the Litton, MagneTek and Parallax companies. Triad has returned to its roots in Southern California with a 40,000 square foot modern engineering, production, and service center which is located in Perris, California.